Sleep Disorders Center at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw

Polish version/Polska wersja English version/Angielska wersja Deutsch version/Niemiecka wersja

Dear Guests,

Welcome on the web page of the Sleep Disorders Center at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw. The main goals of this clinical and research center are concerned on:

  • providing the diagnosis and treatment to the patients complaining of sleep disorders and/or excessive daytime sleepiness
  • research on physiology of sleep and new diagnostic and therapeutic management in sleep medicine
  • professional training in sleep medicine for physicians
  • professional training for technicians to perform polysomnography and other examinations applied in sleep medicine

The Sleep Disorders Center consists of:

Sleeping girl (1841) by Henryk Rodakowski (1823 - 1894) a Polish painter Henryk Rodakowski (1823 - 1894)

Sleeping girl (1841) by Henryk Rodakowski (1823 - 1894) a Polish painter

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created by Pawel